Just like any other purchase you make there are going to be places that you could make the purchase that is cheaper or more expensive than the others.
But sometimes while collecting bids for remodel projects you might think, “All of these seem too expensive.”
That’s why it is important to understand why simple remodels can seem expensive because to you they seem simple but in reality they aren’t the quick and easy fix you think they are.
For example the tear down and rebuild of walls.
To you may seem like a simple “wall move” but it’s not like moving a desk from point A to point B. There is much more to this process such as:
- The destruction of the wall
- Relocating HVAC systems
- Moving lighting fixtures
- Removing electrical wiring and outlets from the wall and rewiring it to a new location for the build of the new wall.
- Removal of telephone and data cabling
- When a wall is removed there is chunks of the ceiling and floor missing that must be rebuilt. Sometimes this requires an entire re-carpet project for the floor.
- The construction of a new wall which includes dry wall, insulation and rewiring
So what sounded like it would be an easy move just became more of a project than you thought.
Wall moves also requires a building permit and that requires a draw up for the project to be submitted for approval.
So if you are shopping around for bids for office remodel work just keep in mind that there is a reason why prices seem high when they really aren’t
Contact us today to learn more!