There are many different types of commercial business models in America. Shopping malls and shopping centers are some of the most popular of these. These are diverse locations in any city for selling different products. Multiple vendors and businesses are able to benefit from these spaces. There are other similar commercial offering that hope to attract a wider array of retail stores.
If you have a shopping or commercial location that can accommodate multiple vendors, construction is essential. The right contractor can assist and advise you on how best to expand your business. This is a type of project that can involve one building or several. Expansion is all about taking advantage of the space that you have. It is also critical that these projects utilize the site itself. You can attract more business overall with the right expansion project.
Indoor Square Footage
According to the 2014 Dodge Construction Outlook construction starts will increase by 9% this year. This will be the equivalent of $55 billion in potential revenue for the industry. Among these construction starts are those owners who want to expand and remodel their buildings. The amount of square footage of your building can help you to determine what type of expansion is possible. You may be able to accommodate several different vendors with this project.
Under-Utilized Space
There are often spaces in a building that have been under-utilized for years. These are areas that could be used not only to attract vendors but more customers. Here are some of the common spaces in this category:
- Storage room/closets
- Basements
- Equipment space
- Inventory space
Professional construction companies offer expertise when it comes to expansions. They can build alternate space for storage, while helping you to utilize other areas.
Additions are some of the most common ideas for expansion projects. Large business offices, for example, can be very helpful to any business. This is often the focal point of the business. Adding to this space could accommodate more business overall. Current selling space can benefit from an addition, too. More vendors can be positioned in these areas for the long-term.